We see a lot of families here at the clinic on a maintenance basis and those appointments are some of the best parts of our days! Some families come in weekly, monthly, or every few months. The important part is that they are getting in and getting adjusted to be proactive about their health, well-being, and pain management.
Each member of a family has their own areas that need attention and Dr. Davis takes his time to dive in and address each one.
For example, the upper back always seems to be a troubling spot for mothers. Working at a computer, helping the little ones with school, lifting babies, and all these other superwoman things, mothers do put a strain on those upper back muscles. Dr. Davis makes sure that the upper back and neck are aligned so that tension can be released and blood can flow properly, getting to the root of discomfort.
Dr. Davis can also help mothers stay active, healthy, and energetic by decreasing their odds of a hospitalization. Statistics show that people that see a chiropractor regularly visit the hospital 40% less than people that do not. Chiropractic care reduces stress and interference in the body, promoting health from the inside out. Maintaining health from the inside out promotes overall wellness, supports the immune system, decreases headaches, improves metabolism, increases flexibility, and can even support fertility!

We also pay special attention to our infant and toddlers here at the clinic! Chiropractic care can benefit these little bodies in a multitude of ways by promoting proper growth, increasing body awareness, and decreasing chances of illness and ear infections by encouraging proper drainage. We also see many infants with torticollis and work with their parents and guardians to stretch out the muscles so that baby is free to move their neck muscles in all directions, comfortably. In addition, chiropractic care is all very non-invasive which is always such a relief when working with infants and toddlers.
If you want you and your family to feel great, and stay ahead of your health, schedule an adjustment today. We love when a new family joins our chiro family! Book online or call us at 712-560-8913!