WHIPLASH - a neck injury caused by a sudden, forceful, back-and-forth movement of the neck at speed, resulting in the neck bending beyond its normal range of movement. The injury usually involves the bones and soft tissues in your neck. The whiplash may occur due to an auto incident, falling off of something or even down a set of stairs. It's also very common to see whiplash as a result of a sports injury. The tackling movement?

The neck is incredibly complex; it consists of 7 cervical vertebrae (C1-C7), C1 is closest to the skull, while C7 is at the base of the neck. In between each vertebrae are tough, fibrous, shock-absorbing pads called the intervertebral discs. Your cervical spine (neck) also houses the upper portion of the spinal cord through the spinal canal, as well as having an elaborate system of nerves, over 30 muscles, and numerous ligaments and tendons. This means that there are a lot of parts that can be damaged from a whiplash injury. The neck also has to support the weight of your head (approx. 5kg); when this weight whips forwards and back at speed, the force that goes through the cervical spine is considerable.
Signs and symptoms of whiplash may include some or all of the below:
neck pain and stiffness
Increased pain with neck movement
Loss of movement in the neck
Headaches – often starting at the base of the skull
Tenderness or pain in the muscles around the neck, shoulders, upper back or arms
Tingling or numbness in the arms or hands
Some people also experience:
Problems with vision – blurred or double vision
Tinnitus – ringing in the ears
Pain in the jaw
Pain when swallowing
Difficulty Sleeping
Irritability, Anxiety or Depression
Difficulty concentrating or problems with memory
We offer an extensive exam for injuries like this to determine the best plan of action for care. This type of injury is not to be taken lightly as it can result in many symptoms that can last a long period of time.
If you would like to discuss treatment options, schedule an appointment with Dr. Davis for quality care.
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Source: Complete Physio